This has been one crazy and hectic year this year. I was only able to complete 5 of the 10 lessons however, the five I was able to complete helped me to learn more and of course explore more. This year I have been able to attend more PD face to face which has hindered my ability to complete the online PD however, I think this is a great opportunity to have and I'm very sad that this is the final year of Cool Tools. I have learned so much over the past 5 years that I will be able to continue to implement and grow in my profession. I am hoping to continue to look at the website and continue to grow and look back on items that I need a reminder for. This year I looked at News Literacy, Presentation tools, Student assessment and feedback tools, Twitter, and Google. I chose to look at topics that were also discussed in my face to face PD because I still had questions after attending those PD sessions and Cool Tools was able to help me answer those questions and continue forward wit
This year my district decided to have 4th-6th-grade specials every other day for 10 weeks. Well, this is great if I was actually in the district every other day. I'm not and I haven't been. For the past five years, my shared position has been cycle days "2,3,5" which has worked great up until this year. With the change this year a different teacher (the technology and woodshop teacher to be exact) has been "teaching" my classes on the days I'm not there. To help with this I implemented Google Classroom this year to be able to teach to my students when I'm not in the district. This has made things both very complicated and difficult, to say the least. Not only am I trying to get through the difficult tasks of teaching databases, research skills, media literacy and more I now have to rely on someone else to "hopefully" do the same. It has been a horrible schedule and hopefully, it'll be fixed for next year. However, Google Classroom a