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Showing posts from June, 2019

Thing 12: Final Reflection

This has been one crazy and hectic year this year. I was only able to complete 5 of the 10 lessons however, the five I was able to complete helped me to learn more and of course explore more. This year I have been able to attend more PD face to face which has hindered my ability to complete the online PD however, I think this is a great opportunity to have and I'm very sad that this is the final year of Cool Tools. I have learned so much over the past 5 years that I will be able to continue to implement and grow in my profession. I am hoping to continue to look at the website and continue to grow and look back on items that I need a reminder for. This year  I looked at News Literacy, Presentation tools, Student assessment and feedback tools, Twitter, and Google.  I chose to look at topics that were also discussed in my face to face PD because I still had questions after attending those PD sessions and Cool Tools was able to help me answer those questions and continue forward wit