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Thing 4: Twitter-Facebook-PLN

I decided to try Thing 4 out first this year. The video to start out Thing 4 really blew my mind! More people own a mobile device than a toothbrush! EWW! Over 50% of our population is younger than 30- that is a scary thought! Granted I am just over that threshold but that is a huge realization that more than half of the people in the world are under 30. Technology is a huge part of their lives and how they interact. The other statistic that blew me away was the one about their sense of smell. 53% of Millenials would rather lose their sense of smell than their technology. This is huge if a person would rather not be able to smell. With the ever-changing world of technology, our attention span is also decreasing. We currently have a smaller attention span than a goldfish! How is a person supposed to work/ go to school or anything if they can only keep their attention for 7 seconds? That is definitely not long enough to do much of anything.   This is a huge problem today (in my opinion), that we need to help students learn how to properly use this technology, the benefits of the technology and how to step back from it as well.

I wanted to work on Thing 4 to create a Twitter page for our BOCES SLS. We have a Facebook page that I manage, but we still hadn't jumped on the Twitter "bandwagon" with our SLS. I discussed this with my director to see if she would be okay with our SLS being on Twitter and she thought it would be a great idea to get our SLS out there and onto Twitter! So if you're a Twitter user please follow us: SLL BOCES SLS

My goal is to expand the community and professional relationships for our local librarians by creating this Twitter account. I hope that by being able to follow a lot of organizations and more that it will help to open up the way for many of our librarians. I am hoping to follow enough people and public organizations to broaden the scope of our SLS and program.

I find that when I myself use Twitter I tend to only use it when I'm at conferences or an event that has a specific # to follow. This year I am hoping to do more with Twitter as I know it can help to build my learning community and allow for me to be open for new ideas. I do have my own personal account that I will be using along with taking care of our account for the SLS. I fear that running two twitter accounts will become a bit confusing at time but it will allow me to expand both my personal and professional careers.

While using Twitter last week and this week I found a travel grant for the AASL Conference in Louisville, KY! I was very happy to find this travel grant as I am hoping to attend AASL for the first time since I became a librarian 5 years ago! Positivity from Twitter! Along with finding the travel grant I was also able to find the new book published by AASL regarding the new standards and picture book lessons. This was also a great find because it will be an amazing addition to our professional library at BOCES.

I hope to continue to build my learning community with my personal Twitter and professional one for BOCES.


  1. Terrific! Glad you found some really helpful stuff with twitter. And congrats on the new twitter account.

    1. Thank you! It has been a change but it is helpful!


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